Has anyone replaced their Bugeye headlight combination switch with one of the repops from Moss, Vicky Brit, etc. ? My original switch was rebuilt by myself when I restored the car in 1999. The contacts inside are getting iffy. I have to jiggle the outer knob to make the headlights come on. If I hit a bump in the road the lights go out sometimes.<div id="yMail_cursorElementTracker_1581209686916">Mike MacLean<br><br><div id="ymail_android_signature"><a id="ymail_android_signature_link" href="https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=InProduct&c=Global_Internal_YGrowth_AndroidEmailSig__AndroidUsers&af_wl=ym&af_sub1=Internal&af_sub2=Global_YGrowth&af_sub3=EmailSignature">Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android</a></div></div>