My Bugeye tach had frozen up and snapped two new tach cables so I had asked this list and the Healeys list for recommendations for a rebuild. I ultimately sent them to Foreign Speedo, Inc. In San Diego. I had also included a never rebuilt BN2 tach at least for lubrication and inspection. <div id="yMail_cursorElementTracker_1573508647209"> I received them back in about a week. At first look, they were cosmetically great looking. The cases were wire wheeled and then painted a dull silver with a flat clear coat. They had also fixed the buggered up threads on one of the studs of the Bugeye tach. The Bugeye tach works perfectly now without the needle bouncing like before, so I expect no less from the BN2 tachometer.</div><div id="yMail_cursorElementTracker_1573508879567"> Just for your own curiosity, they charged $120 per instrument. A very fair price for excellent work. No financial interest. Just a very satisfied customer.</div><div id="yMail_cursorElementTracker_1573509018478">Mike MacLean</div><div id="yMail_cursorElementTracker_1573508867122"> <br><br><div id="ymail_android_signature"><a id="ymail_android_signature_link" href="">Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android</a></div></div>