<div style="font-size: 10pt;"><div dir="auto">I would welcome a lightened flywheel or an alloy one if anyone knew who or where one may be located. </div><div dir="auto">HERE is what I have to offer!</div><div dir="auto">I have in very good shape , alloy English Ford <a href="tel:1500-1600">1500-1600</a>cc flywheel WITH a Tilton pressure plate and quite usable competition disc ( actually 2 discs!) . </div><div dir="auto">Any intetest , offers , ideas? </div><div dir="auto">Please contact me. I am as they say " all ears" to any ideas.</div><div dir="auto">Thank you!</div><div dir="auto">Chuck</div><div><div dir="auto" style="font-size:9pt;"><i>Sent from my LG Mobile</i></div></div></div>