<div dir="ltr">Hi List,<div><br></div><div>I haven't really got the hang of gmail for e-mail chains so started a brand new e-mail that doesn't have a chain of everyone's e-mail addresses in it.</div><div><br></div><div>I'd like the list to be more active, like the old days. Listers still generally have more combined knowledge than any other forum.</div><div><br></div><div>Ed, Frank, Captain Bob and others aren't here with us any more which is sad. However, we all get older and none of us are immortal. I'm 54 so probably one of the younger listers. I joined the list after coming back from Sprite Rush 98. My internet was still dial-up with a modem in those days and my oldest daughter was then my only daughter. I have two daughters now and occasionally they will argue about who will get my Sprite when I am dead! Neither has a driving licence though only the oldest is old enough to have one, though based on her dodgem car experience last year (she didn't realise she had to press a pedal on the floor to make it go) she won't be driving soon.</div><div><br></div><div>My 69 is the same one I had long before 98 and every year it gets quicker and lighter. I'm getting a bit slower and just about manage to weigh the same (I think I was 2nd lightest after the late Cap'n Bob) every year. Last year the Sprite achieved a long standing ambition of 120mph (actually 122mph) on as flat and level road I could find (it had been quicker downhill but that didn't really count). This is with a 1330 normally aspirarated A-series that can be driven around town at 30 mph. Its only remaining objective, without cheating, is to get under 700 Kilos - not easy for a road car with an FIA race legal roll hoop, 2 seats, fire extinguishers a 5 speed, big brakes etc. Unless I find an aluminum bonnet and AP racing aluminium calipers, and a bunch of other stuff that target might take 10 years.</div><div><br></div><div>The current challenge is scraping some money together (without blowing the family budget for home improvements etc, etc) to buy the £200+ tool for balancing wire spoked wheels on the new modern wheel balancing tools along with another pair of new tyres of a different make from the recent new ones that I have to replace which I believe are simply to soft in the sidewall for my car. I plan to film what the tyres are doing and then ask the tyre manufacture of those unsuitable tyres to cough up the fitting and balancing costs as well as the tyre costs. I'm trusting footage on Youtube, (no details of the tyre make) might persuade them to do the right thing, assuming the footage proves I'm correct, rather than tell me stuff contrary to my past 30 years of experience. 'Course if I'm wrong I have some barely used tyres to dispose of. I might get the footage this weekend.</div><div><br></div><div>Daniel</div></div>