[Spridgets] SCCA Racing Spridget For Sale

stanbmason at aol.com stanbmason at aol.com
Mon Jul 15 10:20:28 MDT 2024

 I am passing this information.  My personal opinion is that this is a to highly modified Spridget for Vintage Racing.
   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Mike Westerfield <mwesterfield at gowestech.com>To: stanbmason at aol.com <stanbmason at aol.com>Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 10:27:03 AM EDTSubject: Spridget  
I bought this roller from Don Feller years ago with the intention of building a vintage spridget.  It’s a roller (no engine or transmission) and is disassembled.  Don’s son raced it as a limited prep midget in SCCA.
Welded differential 
5-gallon fuel cell
Fuel pumps
Steel hood, trunk and fenders
Fiberglass hood, truck and fenders
Typical analog gauges
I’d like to get $1,500 for it all but open to reasonable offers.
Let me know if you need more information or more pictures (I photographed all the parts prior to disassembling)
Thanks for your help, Stan.


Michael J. Westerfield

Address:  8090 Furlong Drive, Cleves, Ohio  45002
Office: 513.353.0700 Fax: 513.353.1701  Mobile:  513.703.8957
Email:  mwesterfield at gowestech.com
Website: www.gowestech.com
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From: stanbmason at aol.com <stanbmason at aol.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2024 12:38 PM
To: Mike Westerfield <mwesterfield at gowestech.com>
Subject: Re: VSCDA Group 2 M1 and M2
If you want to put a price and details on your Spridget I can send out in my Distribution List


On Friday, June 7, 2024 at 01:37:47 PM EDT, Mike Westerfield <mwesterfield at gowestech.com> wrote:
BTW, I do have a spridget rolling chassis if you know anyone that would be interested in it.

Currently disassembled.
Michael J. Westerfield

Address:  8090 Furlong Drive, Cleves, Ohio  45002
Office: 513.353.0700 Fax: 513.353.1701  Mobile:  513.703.8957
Email:  mwesterfield at gowestech.com
Website: www.gowestech.com
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From:stanbmason at aol.com <stanbmason at aol.com>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 12:55 PM
To: Mike Westerfield <mwesterfield at gowestech.com>
Subject: Re: VSCDA Group 2 M1 and M2
Thanks for your interest.  Do you have a racing Spridget?
If you go to VSCDA's website you will find more details:  Technical-Requirements-for-Race-Cars-2022.pdf (vscda.org)
We have a SMRS (Sprite Midget Race Series) and we have some additional clarification where we use SCCA 1972 GCR and exceptions that VSCDA specify.  These are true Vintage Cars that fit in 2E or 2D.  If they deviate from that then they are in M1 or M2.  One of our problems is when Racers register, they can put whatever is their opinion of what they think they are.  I have attached our SMRS Rules and Regulations and is what we use to calculate point per class:
If you have any other questions please let me know.
Stan Mason
On Friday, June 7, 2024 at 11:53:38 AM EDT, Mike Westerfield <mwesterfield at gowestech.com> wrote: 
Could you explain the car specifications for Classes M1 and M2 in VSCDA Group 2, or point me to the appropriate resource?
Michael J. Westerfield

Address:  8090 Furlong Drive, Cleves, Ohio  45002
Office: 513.353.0700 Fax: 513.353.1701  Mobile:  513.703.8957
Email:  mwesterfield at gowestech.com
Website: www.gowestech.com
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