[Spridgets] SMRS Grattan August 11-13

stanbmason at aol.com stanbmason at aol.com
Mon Jul 31 07:29:16 MDT 2023

Just wanted to send out plans for the Great Weekend of Sprite Midget Racing at Grattan.  Don't miss the early bird registration and $100 reduction by August 4th coming soon.The following are our plans or down load attachment.  We have quite a few overall potential champions with perfect points of 48 from 2 races!

Grattan 2023 SpriteMidget Race Series Finale August 11-113

Revised 7/31/23

It looks like a good turn out for Spridgets at Grattan forthe moment, don’t miss the $100 reduction from early registration by August 4th.  We expect more Spridgets from Texas and PA. Thisyear’s awards will be navy blue baseball caps with a tan bill including SMRS logo onfront and 2023 1st, 2nd & 3rd on back forthe top 3 class points in each of our 8 classes. You need to have raced in 2 ofthe 4 available races to qualify (Gman, Blackhawk, Waterford Hills &Grattan).  We will be selecting anotherworthy racer for the Gary Kropf Spirit Award and the Jim Donato Most RespectedDriver Award.  To reinforce the need forall of us to be predictable, observant, vintage sports car drivers.  I will be providing a ballot that defines thecriteria for both of these awards with the lucky honoree recognized Sunday.   I will bring along the cow bell that I willring 15 minutes before any SMRS announcements. We are a large group and it takes a lot of time walking around to informeveryone that we are getting together only to have those that said they weregoing to be there not show up, so please listen for the cow bell!

SMRS has done a great job of being Safe Vintage Racers atGingerman and Blackhawk and we need to continue that value at Grattan as well.

The paddock does not open on Thursday until 5:30 PM sincethere is another group renting the track.  It is always a tight squeeze atGrattan and I ask everyone to be patient and try to squeeze in allowing othersto gain access to our paddock.

Our Group 2 (Vintage Production Sports Cars 1950-1963) willbe Group C for this race, which should get us off the track earlier in eachsession.  We can expect a similarexperience to last year with lots of track time, as they say bring extrafuel!  We will have our traditional exclusiveSunday Sprite Midget Luncheons with our favorite Sports Car food group “Brats” (Itis always appreciated if you can get pre cooked brats or boil prior to showingup so they can brown on the grill more quickly and reduce the amount of greasefires we have).  It is greatlyappreciated when others can assist with grilling responsibilities knowing someof us will be up to our elbows in grease (not pork, but petroleum) trying tomake the next session.  Side dishes arealways appreciated as well.  I willprovide condiments, hot grill, plates, napkins & plastic ware.  Please bring enough food for you and yourcrew plus 20% for friends, workers and others that we will invite to join us.

The Cape Of Good Hope Portable British Pub will be broughtout Friday Evening.  With plenty ofbeverages provided by Stan Mason.  We had2 special SMRS friends that are no longer with us that we want to recognize,Duane (Ottie) Otmann and Don Kelley’s Dad Jeff.   We willhave the award ceremony on Sunday. Points for Grattan sessions are Friday 1st Qualification(fastest time per class), 1st Sprint Race Saturday (durability) andSaturday Smidget Race (position.  I willtry my best to get to the Spridget Paddock as quickly as I can to discourageothers from entering our Paddock Space please help me in letting others knowthat this space is for Spridgets only. We will be located in our typical area just down the hill from the PavedPaddock and just East of Toilet Bowl Turn in row 1 & 2 West where weusually gather.  We can expect Group 2 tobe crowded again making it more important than ever to keep a cool head andkeep the Vintage Spirit so we can all enjoy a great weekend of fun and free ofdamage!!

If you are in possession of the Special Kropf Piston SpiritAward and or the Donato Most Respected Driver Award please bring those with youso it can be provided in our award ceremony to the new awardees.

We will have 2023 SMRS posters, decals, baseball hats alongwith 2021 T-Shirts in larger sizes only. This regalia contributes to our treasury to support our awards and lunchsupport, which is dwindling.

We always call this our SMRS Grand Finale with fun awardsand fun on and off the track, see you there!

SMRS Tentative Agenda / Plans:

(Please confirm times in yourregistration packet)

Thursday August 10

                5:30 AMPaddock Opens

                EveningGrattan Bar downtown

Friday August 11

                10:20AM Practice 1

                1:00 AMPractice 2

                2:10 PM Qualifying 1st (SMRSFastest Time Per Class Points)

                4:20 PMEnduro

                4:00 PMCape Of Good Hope Bar Opens (Discussions, Tributes & Toasts)

Saturday August 12

                8:20Driver’s Meeting Start / Finish Line

                10:15AM Qualifying 2nd

11:40 AM Lunch SMRS Brats

1:05 PM Sprint Race (SMRS Durability Must Stay Out forwhole session for Maximum Points)

4:00 PM Heat Race

6:00 PM Dinner Big Top



Sunday August 13 

                9:30AM Emergency Warm-Up

                9:50 Sprite Midget Race (SMRSPosition Points) 

                11:30AM SMRS Brat Lunch

1:00 PM SMRSAwards

2:30 PM FeatureRace

  Stan Mason

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