[Spridgets] Pittsburgh Grand Prix Spridget Paddock

Charles Hall III charlie at charles-hall.com
Wed Jul 20 17:41:31 MDT 2022

Gary Kropf and I did the downtown drive several years ago.

I highly recommend it.

Charlie Hall

From: stanbmason at aol.com <stanbmason at aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 12:32 PM
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Subject: Pittsburgh Grand Prix Spridget Paddock

Spridget Peoples Going to Pittsburgh Grand Prix at Schenley Park.  Great numbers of Racing Spridgets that are going to be there, with the Donna Mims Exclusive Spridget Race on Saturday Evening should be fun!

Fellow Spridget Racer Mark Maehling has set up a Spridget Paddock.  A quick way to describe it is it is right across from where the Divers Meeting location is.  He staked out the area, which he describes as 300 ft down from Hobert on Prospect.  Look for other Sprites and Midgets.

Mark made special mention of the Driver's Friday Night Meeting and how everyone jumps in their race car afterwards with a police escort to the Driver's Reception with the streets filled with fans  to Orrs's Jewelery where you park your race car and have a fabulous meal and drinks.

I am still trying to get my crank back and will not be racing, but I will be there on Saturday morning through Sunday taking in this great event and promoting SMRS.

Stan Mason
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