[Spridgets] Pitt GP / Mid Ohio SCCA / Seat Belts

stanbmason at aol.com stanbmason at aol.com
Sun Jul 10 18:27:29 MDT 2022

Pittsburgh Grand Prix at Schenley Park July 23-24 is continuing to add Spridget racing numbers and should be great fun.  I have not received any information for common area that we can have our Spridget Paddock in yet and will keep you posted.  If you have not registered yet, do it now!
Mid Ohio SCCA weekend after Schenley Park open to Vintage Sprites.  Please review your roll bar requirements to confirm you will qualify.
John Salisbury made a special note to look at the expiration date of your seat belts and make sure you are in compliance.  I was not able to access some of the details within Pittsburgh's requirements.  I have looked up the following to a guideline:1.      VSCDA:

a.       SeatBelt revised 3/28/22 - All cars must be equipped with an FIA or SFI approved5-point (minimum) driver restraint system composed of a 2” wide lap belt,antisubmarine strap or straps, and 2” wide minimum shoulder harness straps.Shoulder harness straps may not be attached to the same point in a “Y”configuration. All straps must be in excellent condition and securely attachedto the frame, roll bar, or cage, or reinforced portion of the vehicle structurewith a minimum grade 5 bolt and installed to manufactures instruction and SFI installationguide. Belts must be replaced within 5 years from the date of manufacture or earlier at the discretion oftech.  

                                                              i.     Stan Mason June 30, 2020 SFI good until 2025.

2.      SCCA:

a.      Safety Restraint SCCA 2022 GCR - . All driverrestraint systems shall meet one of the following: SFI specification 16.1,16.5, or FIA specification 8853/98, 8853-2016 or 8854/98. 1. Restraint systemsmeeting SFI 16.1 or 16.5 shall bear a dated SFI Spec label. The certification indicated by this labelshall expire on December 31st of the 5th year after the date of manufacture asindicated by the label. If for example the manufacture date is 2014 the fifthyear after the date of manufacture is 2019. SFI labels, with expirationdates, expire on December 31st of the labeled expiration date. 2. Restraintsystems homologated to FIAspecification 8853/98 and 8854/98 will have a label containing the type ofharness designation (‘C-###.T/98 or D-###.T/98) and date of expiration which isthe last day of the year marked. All straps in this FIA restraint systemwill have these labels. 3. If a restraint system has more than one type ofcertification label, the label with the latest expiration may be used


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