[Spridgets] 2021 SMRS Driver Committee and Recognition

Erick Zanner ezanner at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 09:03:51 MST 2022

This is great, thank you!

On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 1:17 AM <stanbmason at aol.com> wrote:

> Hello Spridgeteers of All Varieties and Happy New Year.
> I wanted to follow up on my earlier January email that said I would share
> the results from Driver Incidents in Group 2.
> Before I do that I want to make a special point of mentioning the 2 awards
> presented by VSCDA for the great work that 2 of our Spridget members and
> Alumni were awarded in 2021:
> Carl  Wallin received the Art Blye Distinguished Award.  Carl has been
> such a great mechanical gift for all of us throughout the years as an
> expert crew &/ Spridget Problem Solver Extraordinar.  His abilities have
> also been a great asset for Tech Inspection./ Scrutineering and all his
> dedication to VSCDA.  Congratulations Carl
> Charlie Hall received the President's Safety Award.  Charlie has done a
> fabulous job with Driver's Committee through out the years and it is great
> to see him recognized for his dedication to all of us.  Congratulations
> Charlie.
> *2021 Group 2 Increased Unsafe Driving While Racing*
> Over the last 11 years of being Group 2 representative we have seen
> gradual to major improvements as reported by the (DC) Drivers Committee
> (responsible for improving driver safety and enforcing penalties for those
> drivers found in violation of good Vintage Race Driver Principles).  2021
> was the absolute worse that has been recorded in over 10 years for Group
> 2.  I have requested the findings from the DC so we can see where these
> mistakes have been made.  This is an opportunity to learn from those
> mistakes, whether they involved you or as a learning tool for improvement.
> I have summarized those results to try and leave the original comments by
> DC stand and remove names and car numbers.  It is not my intent to
> embarrass or humiliate anyone that was involved in these incidents, but to
> draw attention to where mistakes were made so others will not repeat those
> mistakes. Our Sport requires everyone to be aware of all things around us
> while on the track and maintain a Vintage Spirit avoiding Red Mist.  This
> summarized DC Incident report is being sent to Spridget Drivers and not our
> normal distribution of crew and other Spridget Street friends that
> typically would be on our overall distribution.  If you know of someone
> that races with us in Group 2 that would benefit from this information
> please pass it along to them.  I am unaware of a way to copy everyone in
> Group 2 easily.  I will highlight areas where I think are we are making
> repeated mistakes.  I would also ask that these results are taken seriously
> and analyzed by all of us with the intent of applying this knowledge so we
> can decrease incidents in the future. I welcome anyone’s observation and
> please share your thoughts with everyone on this distribution.
> Overall Stan Mason’s observation from 2021 DC Group 2 Racing Incidents:
> 1.       General awareness of other cars particularly in traffic -
> Corrective action = use your mirrors and be multitasking visually as a
> corner is approached. (I personally have seen all of us being lax in
> pointing others by, which is the best way to get feedback that you are
> aware of other cars that are expecting to pass).
> 2.       Too Aggressive – Corrective Action = When in doubt wait for
> another opportunity that is safer. Remove the Red Mist.
> 3.     Passing - Corrective Action = SVRA issued their recommendation for
> making a safe pass, which I think is worthwhile to share: The
> responsibility for a clean pass rests with both drivers. Primary
> responsibility is with the overtaking car. Corner stations will advise
> slower cars with a blue/yellow flag (passing flag.) Watch your mirrors. If
> practical, the overtaken driver should clearly indicate to the overtaking
> driver on which side the pass should be made while maintaining a
> predictable racing line.  See VSCDA recommended Ace Factor E. Paul
> Passing attached
> I want to thank all of those dedicated VSCDA members that are or have been
> in DC.  I know their job is not always appreciated as it should be for
> keeping us safe through enforcing and eliminating bad players that are not
> willing to learn and change their behavior.  We enjoy this exciting sport
> of Vintage Sports Car Racing and we want to keep it safe and reasonable so
> it continues to be fair for all of us.  A special thanks to Gary Kropf who
> has taken the time to document these incidents into a Xcl Spreadsheet so it
> can be more clearly understood.  I know compiling these incidents has taken
> a lot of his personal time to condense into a meaningful document for our
> Group 2 and other VSCDA Racing Groups.
> Our vision for the SMRS Jim Donato "Most Respected Driver Award", is
> important as it relates to this situation more than ever and is stated
> below:
> 1. Predictable / Trusted (uses mirrors, points faster cars by, passes
> safely and allows others room to pass and is always a defensive driver
> (over winning at all cost), stays on racing line except when car failures
> would leave fluids on track or safety is a concern)
> 2. Objective: Listens to others and approaches other drivers that they may
> have an issue with in an open and fair way. Can sit down with any driver
> and feel comfortable that they did the right thing when on the track.
> 3. Observant: Looks forward to observe incidents and flag stations,
> inspects car between sessions for safety to avoid causing accidents to
> others on track.
> 4. Respectful: Avoids Red Mist, which is identified as an emotional
> aggressive win
> There are 2 attachments with this email that I would recommend that
> everyone reviews:
> ·         2021 Group Incident Report Summary
> ·         Ace Factor Scanned Copy of recommended passing by E Paul
> I hope that everyone has time this Winter to review these documents and
> personally apply how we can all be better Vintage Sports Car Drivers and
> carry on the Vintage Spirit Attitude.
> Now get back to your Race Spridget so you can make Gingerman and Enjoy A
> Great Season!!!!
> VSCDA Group 2 Representative
> Enjoy  a Spridgetly Life!
> Stan Mason
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