[Spridgets] Hif44 setup

Andy Webster a_d_webster at yahoo.com.au
Fri Jun 1 02:33:15 MDT 2018

I'm having all sorts of trouble getting my engine to run.
Fresh rebuild, has run since but have some issues.
In setting up a hif44 ( which I used for years already), should the jet start off level with the alloy bridge or the brass ring, which is slightly recessed in the bridge? (See pic).
One problem is that I have multiple possible culprits. New distributor amongst them ( in fact I am trying amongst 3 distributors, my original but worn 25d, an electronic 45d from minispares and an Aldon 45d yellow, which some of you saw the wonky points of, the other day).
I just want to get the carb to a starting point.
I know I have good compression, a spark and fuel.. the recipe is there.
Can't static time the electronic dizzy, but can with the 2 points dizzys.
Was having head gasket issue, leak between 2&3, but then I noticed I was supposed to torque to 50lb/ft not the 40lb/ft I thought. Manual says 50 for studs with a drill point on the end, never saw that bit before! So hopefully I have sorted that..also used a Payen BK450 instead of the £9 eBay gasket I started with (for shame).

Itching to get it running right, been off the road 3 years now!!


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