[Spridgets] Bad braking

Brian Morse owensdad74 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 17:25:41 MST 2014

I don't know how old they are.

I guess I'll be giving Peter C a call for some parts!

Thanks all,


On Friday, January 17, 2014, Richard Ball <rich_ball at mindspring.com> wrote:

> How old are the brake hoses?  The inner liners can and do separate and will
> give the problem you are describing.  We had the same problem on our
> motorhome a while back.  New hoses fixed it right up.
> Rich Ball
> '76 Midget
> Everett, Wa
> -----Original Message-----
> From: spridgets-bounces at autox.team.net <javascript:;>
> [mailto:spridgets-bounces at autox.team.net <javascript:;>] On Behalf Of
> Brian Morse
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 8:37 AM
> To: spridgets at autox.team.net <javascript:;>
> Subject: [Spridgets] Bad braking
> Greeting List,
> Shortly after buying my 79 a couple years ago I discovered the brakes,
> front and rear, would hang up.  After 20-30 minutes they would release.
> The PO put new wheel cylinders on the rear, so I left them alone.  Next I
> pulled the calipers and rebuilt them.  To be sure they worked the master
> cylinder was replaced with a new one.
> So I got everything back together and tested- fronts and rears would stop
> all wheels and release immediately.  That was a couple weeks ago.
> Yesterday I realized the front calipers won't release.
> Any ideas why?  I'd rather drive the car with working brakes.
> Thanks all!
> Bri
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