[Spridgets] Body work without filler video....awesome I'm trying it in the spring on Pinky.

Linda Grunthaner grunthaner at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 10:38:26 MST 2013

I don't know if I ever sent this youtube out before but I just found it
again after looking for a long time. This is a great technique which I'll
be trying out in the spring on Pinky's dent located in front of the doors I
believe they call it the A-Pillar? I dented it when I had the door open and
backed up in the driveway catching the door on a shrub and being I didn't
have the strap on the door it stoved in that section. I believe Frank said
that is a common dent area when the straps are rotted out or removed,
wonder it that dented area has earned a NAME...wink. I think this
demonstration will work so I don't have to add filler. I will surly video &
post on youtube wether or not it works.
Enjoy the show.


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