[Spridgets] Rib Case - Rebuild Question/s
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Mon Sep 26 13:36:05 MDT 2011
<< ...watch for the detent balls and plungers and springs. >>
And THAT friends, IS GOSPEL ! ! ! ! ! !
Many years ago I was partner with a young lass in a 59
Frogeye. Gearbox was a tad " if " but when the motor spun
# 3 Main Bearing.................!
So she volunteered to do the box as long as I did motor
'work' + combo in & out + connect everything, etc., etc. ! !
About a month later me a pretty motor are enjoying a
brew on out front porch awaiting the gearbox.
On the second "mis-placed" detent ball [caught spring mid-
air <G> <??>], there were a couple "interesting" words from
the front room [next to porch <G>]. After a short time, I
heard some 'low level' verbiage to the effect of "I'm
gonna GET you ! !" and all went quiet. Nothing went flying
BUT something was NOT correct so..........<G> <G> !!!
So now #4 effort is beginning and I'm guessin' it was
about half way thru returning said detent balls & springs
to their proper locations & orientations <VBG> ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
A string of words was put together and UTTERED in
a tonal range greater than any two chaps on this List,
ALONG with word 'connections' in forms I have NEVER
heard [still has NOT been beat to current date<G>] !!!!
I went in about 30 minutes later --- FOUR (4) empty
brew bottles (still chilly ! ! !) with fifth (5th) IN HAND
and mostly gone --- and I was advised that TWO (2) of
those __________________________________balls
and TWO (2) of those ___________________________
______________ springs were 'thought' to be IN this
room and if I wanted those ______________________
_________________s, I could hunt/find said [see
foregoing 'spaceage' AND finish the reassembly !!!!!
Does anyone have ANY idea how HARD it was to maintain
my "composure" under these "circumstances" ???????????
NO prises !! LOL !
1] Please visit MY site at: www.justbrits.com
2] Please visit Frank C.'s site at: www.spritenut.com
PS: So HEED Jeff's "words" <G><G><G> ! ! ! !
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