[Spridgets] ED... of maybe a different type - WARNING - yada yada yada

Rick Bastedo rbastedo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 18:08:16 MST 2011

List, the MRI and MRA both went fine, they have a machine called the
"espree" which they said is the "open" type.
It was still a big donut they slid me into.
I only had to slide in up to my waist and the sides were close enough I
could comfortably rest my arms but not so close that they triggered a flight
response like the little tube did yesterday.
For both tests I was in there a total of about 45 minutes.
This time they got me right in.
Also I had read on medical websites that you could request a CD so I did
I had a powerful urge to scratch my nose about half way through but I
The tech said that was the Ferrari of MRI machines.
I should find out results from my Doc shortly.

The CD has all the images, both of the soft tissue and the blood vessels.
Weird and freaky stuff looking at your own brain in such detail.

I'll let you all know what happens.
Thanks for the support by the way, it would be easy to go 'out to lunch' -
you all are a great help.

Rick (soft pink & squishy) Bastedo

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:54 PM, cathey speichinger
<cathe125 at suddenlink.net>wrote:

> Rick: Several of us on the list will be billing you jointly for the
> psychological counseling we provided to override you initial insistence on
> trying to not keep living.  Obviously we triggered an AHHH moment in you
> which has Caused you to revisit moments from your childhood whose events
> set
> patterns which you have instilled in your adult behaviors.  The only
> remaining part that still needs to be addressed by you is a summary needs
> to
> be delivered to us outlining what future changes might occur when similar
> events happen in the future.  Our fees will go to the AILING SPRIDGET
> HOME located in the Bahamas.  Please provide your full name along with
> current address, credit card number and naturally the 3 didgit security
> number on the back of the caard to us promptly when the bill arrives.   As
> we are all currently traveling a lot please post the info to the list so we
> can easily access your payment info:)  Still awaiting results are you?  We
> also would like you to pass the word around to all your friends of our
> expertise in these matters.  The traffic your recommendation generates will
> also help fund future upgrades to the system due to new membership.
> Leo

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