[Spridgets] 5 wheel car

David Booker tncarnut1 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 17 11:06:49 MST 2011

When I was a kid, I read an article in Popular Mechanics about a similar
Rather than use a fifth wheel like these two examples use, it
employed a pair of 
what looked like oversized dremel tools. These two
rear-facing shafts would 
pivot down from under the rear of the car to an
angle of maybe 45 or so degrees 
till the rear tires were suspended. Then
electric motor(s?) would spin the 
shafts and power to the car to the side via
cogged metal wheels. Seems like 
there was a taper to the cogs so the maximum
amount of surface engaged the 
asphalt. Don't remember if someone was selling
them, or selling plans to make 
them or what, but I've always thought it was a
cool idea. It would really come 
in handy in New York City.

 - David Booker
Long Island (but I work in Queens)

Here's an
updated version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dbBLooyVYo

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