[Spridgets] Condensers

Tim Collins thcollin at mtu.edu
Mon Dec 5 13:19:51 MST 2011

I recently read an interesting write up titled; "Condenser Failure in 
Conventional Ignition Systems." Found it in the British Car Forum 
Tiki so it is specific to the condensers we use in our cars. The 
author does an autopsy on 3 condensers to learn how and why they 
fail. (warning: graphic pictures) He then suggests a method for using 
an external, modern, reliable capacitor. He admits the setup doesn't 
look "nice" but it works and may be worth making one just to have 
with you on a trip.

Question. When a capacitor fails won't our cars continue to run? (but 
the points erode at an accelerated rate) right or wrong?

I wanted to check the team.net/archive, but the last few times I've 
tried I can't get a connection. Anyone else having trouble?

Tim Collins

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