[Spridgets] Welding safety - Brake Cleaner can kill you

Michael Rowe mdrowe at optonline.net
Sun May 9 11:02:42 MDT 2010

"Phosgene is formed by decomposition of chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents by 
ultraviolet radiation. It reacts with moisture in the lungs to produce 
hydrogen chloride, which in turn destroys lung tissue. For this reason, any 
use of chlorinated solvents should be well away from welding operations or 
any operation in which ultraviolet radiation or intense heat is generated." 

Note that hydrogen chloride --> hydrochloric acid is in our stomachs in 
fairly high concentrations  (0.5%  --> heart burn, acid reflux), and we 
often breath it when we burp up stomach juices.  You will not fall over dead 
from breathing small amounts of HCl.  It is just an irritant in small 

Michael Rowe 

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