[Spridgets] Midget Mk. I "factory" hardtop hardware source sought

Jay Fishbein jfishbein at snet.net
Thu Dec 2 07:32:10 MST 2010

The Mk II hardtop uses a short clip bolted to the front of the hardtop on the
outside. If you source a picture you or someone that can work metal can make
one fairly easily. There are not latches, just a 3/16" bent piece of metal
probably 1 1/4" wide by 1 3/4" long.

Jay Fishbein
Wallingford, CT
-An iPhone communication-

On Dec 2, 2010, at 9:19 AM, Bill L <pythias at pacifier.com> wrote:

> Hello Bud,
>     If it's for a square body, the latches for the soft top work.
> --
> Best regards,
> Bill L.                           mailto:pythias at pacifier.com

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