[Spridgets] Proud Dad

brian S bugeye15 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 15 10:21:13 MDT 2009

Congrat's Bill,

Sounds like you have great kids.
Must take after their Mom!



You have every right to be proud.

Brian S.
Bugeyeracer finally resto'ed!

> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 19:14:17 -0700
> From: pythias at pacifier.com
> To: spridgets at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Spridgets] Proud Dad
> Hello Spridgets,
>        Some of you met my son Andrew at LotO. Most never will, but I
>        have to brag a little on him..
>        It's official. He's a Valedictorian at his high school where he
>        graduates Saturday. He will be one of three speakers at
>        commencement. At the awards assembly held this week, he was
>        recognized as the best Science Student, the best Math Student,
>        the best Writer, and the best Japanese Student; everything he's
>        taking but Ceramics. .. In his previous years he has been the
>        best student in the subject in EVERY subject he's taken. He has had
>        all the AP classes that are offered, excelling even there. He
>        will be attending Harvey Mudd College in the fall, joining his
>        sister, who, after two years there has had as much math as a
>        University of Washington student graduating with a Math Major.
>        He's thinking Chemistry, or Engineering..
>        Proud?  YOU BET!
> --
> Best regards,
>  Bill L.                          mailto:pythias at pacifier.com
>  '66 Sprite MKIII HAN8L49403  "the red thing"
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