[Spridgets] Big Brother is on the way...

Chris King cbking at alum.rpi.edu
Sun Feb 22 06:31:38 MST 2009

Well, that's taxed too already, isn't it? :)

More to the point, I've read of ideas where charging stations are set up
at places of work, public parking garages, etc. where one would recharge
the car while at work/shopping etc. That juice could certainly be taxed
like a fuel tax.

Another Israeli firm (I read this in Wired a few months back) has the
idea that one buys a car, but leases the battery pack. Then if you need
a charge while away from home, you can drive into a Jiffy-Lube type of
building and swap your battery pack out for a freshly charged one. I'm
sure that transaction could be taxed as well.

The idea for taxing per mile is essentially already here. How many of
you have EZ-Pass? On something like the NY Thruway, Jersey Turnpike, or
Mass Pike, it's essentially a per-mile road tax. You have an RFID tag in
your car, which id's you and the amount you drive. 


Chris King

<-----Original Message-----> 
>From: John Leier [john.leier at leier.org]
>Sent: 2/22/2009 4:25:20 AM
>To: bmwwxman at gmail.com;kk7ss at verizon.net
>Cc: spridgets at autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Big Brother is on the way...
>Don't mistake me for a supporter of tracking hardware in private cars,
>the fuel tax probably is a dead-end idea. How do you collect fuel taxes
>when you just plug your car into a charger at home and don't use

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