[Spridgets] going to England

Dave Yealy lbc at littlebitcountry.com
Mon Apr 6 17:56:46 MDT 2009

American Air Museum in Cambridge  http://aam.iwm.org.uk/


At 04:16 PM 4/6/2009, you wrote:
>My wife had almost given up on getting my to fly to England since I HATE to
>fly.  This year I fianlly broke down and said I'd do it.  She bought tickets
>for September and planned an itinerary that included the stuff she wants to
>see and the war and car museums that will interest me.  Then, I find out today
>that the Beaulieu auto jumble is Sept. 12th and 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>She-who-must-be-obeyed quickly revised the itinerary to include it.  Sweet!
>Of course I've finished all the cars in the fleet and don't need much of
>anything.  A chrome piece or two for the face of a Morris and that's about it.
>Oh well, at least I'll get to see the cars and dig through the boxes of bits I
>won't be buying.
>In addition to Blechley Park, British war museum, Gaydon, East Sussex Motors
>and the Beaulieu auto jumble, anything else a WWII/Brit car nut should
>include?  Maybe I can get an autographed copy of Westlake1380's book.

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