[Spridgets] Ow - Need Unobatium Brake Part

Chris King cbking at alum.rpi.edu
Sun Apr 5 19:45:00 MDT 2009

David is right. I've been running with a broken switch for a while now,
and no leaks. But I put new o-rings in when I rebuilt the brake system
about 5 years ago.

You'll need 2 o-rings and a big copper washer. You should be able to fix
it for less than $5.


Chris King

<-----Original Message-----> 
>From: David Riker [davriker at nwi.net]
>Sent: 4/5/2009 8:36:12 PM
>To: lmacy at phillymgclub.com;spridgets at autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Ow - Need Unobatium Brake Part
>Item 49 never fails. It is the o-rings inside the brass thing that go
>FWIW, the actual brake warning light switch is the same on my 1970
Torino, a 
>search for a 1970 Mustang Brake Warning light switch brought up this 
>reproduction item that would work:
>David R.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Larry Macy" <lmacy at phillymgclub.com>
>To: "Spridgets net" <spridgets at autox.team.net>
>Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 5:25 PM
>Subject: [Spridgets] Ow - Need Unobatium Brake Part
>> Hey, I am in need of item # 49 on this page from the Moss Catalog:
>> <http://mossmotors.com/Shop/ViewProducts.aspx?PlateIndexID=29302>
>> It is listed as N/A from Moss. It is made out of plastic and has
>> lasted for 31 years (my baby will be 31 next week) so I can't bitch
>> too much. I could go for item 48 on the same page ($399 - YIKES) but
>> no guarantee that will work.
>> Any one have a good suggestion?? I have a replacement brass piece,
>> that does not appear to be where the leak is coming from. It looks
>> like the plastic finally gave up.
>> Larry

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