[Spridgets] Sleeving master/brake cylinders - Stainless

Dean Hedin dlh2001 at comcast.net
Fri Jun 20 01:35:11 MDT 2008

Actually all I originally wanted to know is if there was someone out there 
that had
gone with stainless and could relate success/failure they had with it.
That's all..Sorry for it turning into a big mess...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Ramsey" <dwramsey at att.net>

>I don't care what you want to do, have one made from gold for all I care.
> Most of the people just tried to tell you that there was a master that 
> works
> and will last a long time. Stainless is just harder to work with that's 
> all.
> I would think that would mean it cost more.  Since you want to do it and
> know a place that will do it, go for it and in 50 years you can post "see 
> I
> told you so" and twenty people will post but my brass one is still working
> too.  I really don't think posting "Don't go to this site" will cost them
> any business as you are the only one so far that is going stainless.  They
> are using 304 you might ask why not 316? Now if he will make one in 3/4"
> from a 7/8" out of 316 with new pistons for the same cost let me know I
> might just try one.  Replace your LMA once a year and I bet either one 
> will
> last longer than you will. Can we go back to tapered cone bearings with or
> with out the spacer now????
> Crash

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