[Spridgets] Heater Hose Re: @#$%^%^#&^

Weslake1330 at aol.com Weslake1330 at aol.com
Wed Jun 18 11:16:52 MDT 2008

I've just done the UK orders for Silicone heater hoses and vertical flow  
radiator hoses having brought back David Doirons tooling from the USA to the  UK.
So, watch this space for vertical flow radiator silicone hose kits - black,  
black with logo, blue with logo, maybe purple.  Including the question mark  
shape heater hose that goes from the back of the cylinder head to the heater up 
 to when the changed from the square box type heater.

W E S L A K E 1330
In a message dated 18/06/2008 18:00:36 GMT Daylight Time,  
grbyrns at ucdavis.edu writes:

and a  quick 
check under the bonnet detected a bad looking heater valve  hose.

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