[Spridgets] LotO gasO final numbers in..

B- Evans b-evans at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 5 21:27:07 MDT 2008

Frank Clarici wrote:  "I don't know but I spent a night in Indiana so I
never even came close to 1273 miles in a day in a Sprite.  And I don't think
I want to. Maybe 20 years ago or if I put AC in the Bugeye ;)"


My "best" (or worst) was in 1961 on Christmas leave Memphis Naval Air
Station.  It was a little over 2,000 miles in 50 hours from Memphis,
Tennessee, to Downey, California.   It was straight through, except for 3
hours sleep in El Paso, and before the advent of freeways.   Of course those
little red diet pills were still legal, even though as I as crossed the
California desert in the dawning of the second morning, I was seeing all
kinds of strange little creatures darting across the roadway in front of me,
over and under the Sprite, and running alongside!   I was glad to get home.
I made six more of these crossings, but none like that one.



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