[Spridgets] Ebay item....--ZERO LBC

Ed's Shop shop at justbrits.com
Wed Dec 10 19:22:44 MST 2008

<<The one exception might be if
one of the Illinois Spridgeters actually lands a Senate seat.>>

Tim, I am pretty sure (for THIS one) I CAN speak for David L., Grasshopper,
David G., and myself that NONE of us would even WANT
said "seat" now or until Blago is cellmate to Geo. Ryan LET ALONE even
want to pay (up to & including) $ 1.00 USD !!!

For those that might be even the slightest interested in watching/listening
to who IS the best U.S. Attorney (field) General, a visit to:


with the 'clips' currently #2 & #3 down on left side of page.

Personally, I can NEVER recall being so riveted to a TV (then going back
to re-review) to pay attention to ANYBODY delivering such an oration.

Also, be SURE to watch/listen to the comment(s) by the
Agent-in-charge of Chi. Off. - FBI !!

And TRUST me, Mr. Fitzgerald has NOT chatted about 'the bottom of the
barrel' YET !!!

In this case the OLD saying of "stay tuned" is EXTREMELY lame and does not
even remotely describe the "situation".


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