[Spridgets] oil pressure relief nut

rrengineer at dslextreme.com rrengineer at dslextreme.com
Mon Oct 8 15:38:57 MDT 2007

Probably will find a thin walled socket or find a 1 inch socket to grind
for this.  The flats on the nut are positioned just right so I don't have
any room to swing the Crescent wrench, at least the size Crescent wrench I
have that fits.

> You can get something from Horrible Frait if you get desperate.  They
> have Crow's Foot sets, too.  The "Pittsburgh Professional" (LOL, I
> know) stuff is equal to or better than Crapsmans IMHO.  I also have
> luck at pawn shops.  If I need something special that requires
> grinding a socket or something I will pick up something decent at a
> pawn shop and grind away.
> At the risk of sounding strait out tha traila, you can't get a
> Crescent wrench on it?
> Cheers,
> Derf

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