[Spridgets] Happy Thansgiving

Bill L pythias at pacifier.com
Sat Nov 24 14:38:55 MST 2007

Hello Brad,

       don't send 'em to him if you're in any kind of hurry...i sent
       mine in a couple of years ago and after 6 to eight weeks i had
       to call him to get them off his bench. i had a meet to go to
       and figured two months would be plenty of time.. it wasn't. ..
       and when they came back, they LEAKED. they frickin LEAKED like
       a sieve and still do to some extent. ... good luck.

Best regards,
 Bill                            mailto:pythias at pacifier.com
   "66 Sprite
     "I've been listening to the Brandenberg Concertos," Tom barked.

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