[Spridgets] HS2 Stub stack question...

David Lieb dbl at chicagolandmgclub.com
Sun Jul 15 07:39:56 MDT 2007

> What, if any, is the advantage of fitting a stub stack inside the air 
> filter??
> BHP increase? MPG increase? Hype??

David Vizard's definitive book on the A-Series engine goes into this in 
painful detail. As indicated by the other responses, it is NOT smoke and 
mirrors. For further corroboration, I submit that MGBs came stock from the 
factory with a stub stack in place. A quick generalization is that a very 
small stub stack will get you most of the benefit available, but that the 
height of the stack will affect the rpm at which you will see the most 
effect. Therefore, if you are a racer, it can be worth your while to 
determine the precise height that will get you the most HP improvement at 
the rpm you need it, but a street car tends to be best served by a simple 
small stub stack. Yes, David Anton from APT told me that as he sold me a set 
of stub stacks.
david Lieb 

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