[Spridgets] Use your cell phone driving...
Jim Johnson
bmwwxman at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 21:37:30 MST 2007
Statistics show that 88% of drivers involved in accidents own cell phones.
Clearly cell phones are causing highway carnage. Nearly 98% of drivers
involved in accidents like potatoes. Therefore potatoes are the leading
cause of accidents, right? Face it. There are morons all around us. Morons
who don't pay attention behind the wheel are the cause of accidents. It
matters little what distracts them. Their failing to pay attention driving
is the culprit, not the distraction itself.
Oh! Also, A certain percent of drivers involved in accidents were
distracted as the scratched their a$$. Therefore, we'll all be a lot safer
when people with an a$$ are forbidden to drive.
18% of people who know Buster Evans have had accidents. Therefore......
On Dec 19, 2007 10:17 PM, Robert Bruce Evans <b-evans at earthlink.net> wrote:
> David Lieb wrote: "Yet another case of dumbing things down for the
> shallow
> end of the gene pool. You know, some of us CAN drive competently while
> using a cell phone. Others cannot drive with the radio on. Start issuing
> tickets for incompetent driving regardless of cellphone use."
> And *who* decides what is or is not incompetent. There was an already old
> saying when I was a cop: "There is no law against stupidity."
> But, the fact remands that study after study has found a direct causal
> link
> betwee cell phone usage and accidents.
> "According to NHTSA, at any given moment of the day, 500,000 drivers of
> passenger vehicles are talking on handheld cell phones....the NHTSA has
> determined that driver inattention is a primary or contributing factor in
> as many as 25 percent of all police-reported traffic accidents." "Car
> accident statistics indicate 98 percent of reported accidents involve a
> single distracted driver. Rubbernecking was the highest percentage of
> single distractions, followed by driver fatigue, looking at scenery or
> landmarks, passenger or child distractions, adjusting the radio or other
> music form, and cell phone use." That, I believe, describes stupid
> driving.
> Personally, I would prefer that they be banned for MY protection, and the
> protection of my family.
> Buster
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Jim - 68 "Spridget" in Dodge City
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