[Spridgets] "found" snow blowers

RampantNM at aol.com RampantNM at aol.com
Mon Dec 3 13:24:07 MST 2007

So you guys are saying it's not a good idea to leave your tools unattened  in 
your front yard anywhere near where you live????

In a message dated 12/1/2007 10:12:43 PM Mountain Standard Time,  
spridgets-request at autox.team.net writes:

>  Fired up my little two cycle Toro snow thing I found on a curb this
>  summer-impressive little thing.

It started snowing lightly (had to look  twice to see a flake) this
morning, then tried to get serious for a while.  Not enough to
fire up the 8hp 2-stage walk-behind I picked up off the  curb
a month or so ago ;-) 


Robert B. Houston

74.5 MGBGT
73 MG  Midget

As he stared at her ample bosom, he daydreamed of the dual  Skinners Union
carburetors in his vintage MG, highly functional yet  pleasingly formed, 
perched prominently on top of the intake manifold, aching for  experienced hands, 
the small knurled caps of the oil dampeners begging to be  inspected and 
adjusted as
described in chapter seven of the Haynes shop  manual.

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