[Spits] Clutch slave cylinders - advice sought

Kevin Rhodes krhodes1 at maine.rr.com
Sun May 24 22:48:14 MDT 2009

Freddy has developed a leak in his slave cylinder. Seems like the 
usual parts suppliers all carry an "OE" slave cylinder and a 
reproduction slave cylinder. Any opinions as to whether the OE is 
worth 2X+ the price of the repro? I have no problem coughing up the 
money if it is genuinely of better quality. I'm pretty sure I have 
rebuilt the one that is in there at least once over the years, so 
this time I am inclined to just buy a new one. This is an alloy-body slave.

I have to say, I think this is the first thing that has gone wrong in 
4-5 years! Admittedly, since I bought a '92 Saab Convertible a few 
years ago I don't drive Freddy nearly as frequently or as far, but 
the little guy is pretty darned reliable! Fourteen years of ownership 
coming up in July. He's getting old - I try not to think what that 
means about me, though it certainly gets harder to get in and out 
every year....

Kevin Rhodes
Westbrook Maine
Freddy the Mongrel Spitfire 

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