[Spits] Wiring updates and so forth

Nick Moseley nmoseley at dccnet.com
Sun Aug 2 18:48:01 MDT 2009

...and more bleeding.
If you are absolutely sure there is no air in neither the lines nor the
master, then it may be time to check the rubber brake lines, to make sure
they have not collapsed internally

Nick Moseley, NASS #278:
63-81 Spits, GT 6, Metro Vancouver B.C.

Ryan wrote:

> I still get a bit of the "2 stage braking", but...

Don't know what kind of brake work you did but that sounds like you 
might want to tighten up the rear adjusters.

Jim Muller
jimmuller at rcn.com
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+
Spitfires at autox.team.net


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