[Spits] Help please: ignition

Nick Moseley nmoseley at dccnet.com
Sun Nov 9 18:04:20 MST 2008

I'm trying to start my project engine, but I have no spark at the plugs.

I have full voltage at battery. With ignition key turned to run position,
there are 12 volts at the coil.

I've tried two coils, and get the same response:

which is one spark when I first turn the key to Start, then no more sparks.

Any suggestions?

I'm at the point where I might try an electronic ignition dizzy, because
this points version has got me beat.

Other pertinent info is that this is a 76 1500, newly rebuilt, and this is
the first start.


Would this be the symptom if I had the timing gear out by 180 degrees? Might
it be a bad condenser?

Should I try rotating the plug wires on the dizzy? (ie. Move #1 to where #3
was located, and 3 to where 4 was, etc)

Many Thanks


Nick Moseley, NASS #278,

76-81 Spits, GT 6,  Metro Vancouver B.C.

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