[Spits] VTR/NATC convention

Ted Schumacher tedtsimx at bright.net
Fri Aug 1 14:45:40 MDT 2008

List members, if you are attending this event, please stop by our 
display.  We will be open Tuesday - Thursday in the hotel vendor area 
and Friday at the car show.  Engine, suspension, brake goodies all on 
display along with our gear reduction starters.  Tuesday afternoon I am 
presenting a tech session on testing, tools and performance. Wednesday 
morning Mike Cook and myself are doing a session on what it was like "in 
the day". This will be from a corporate viewpoint, dealer viewpoint and 
competition viewpoint.  "Win on Sunday and hopefully sell on Monday!"  
If there is something you want me to bring, please call or email soon.  
If I can bring it along, you save shipping.  See you there.  Thanks for 
your time. Ted

Ted Schumacher
tedtsimx at bright.net
108 S. Jefferson St.
Pandora, Ohio, USA 45877
Fax: 419.384.3272 (24 Hrs.)
Phone: 800.543.6648 (US & Canada)
Tech/ Gen. Information/ Worldwide: 419.384.3022

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