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Thanks Guys. I initially did the same thing as John (Googled "Painting
Bakelite") and got lots of hits, but none I wanted to follow up with.
I do have a compressor, but used spray cans to date. Using a spray gun (or even a DIY aresol can) would allow me to mix it thinner, so that could be an option. Testors is a really interesting idea (thanks Chad), but I wonder how
well it would weather? Models are certainly not intended for outdoor
use. Still, I just emailed Testors to see what they say and will
report back if it looks like a viable option.<br><br>That leaves the
Healey option, which I think might be the winner. It certainly sounds like the easiest choice, and I don't think it would preclude spraying later if I wasn't happy with the results. Roland, can you tell
me a little more about this? I assume you use liquid shoe polish?
Right? When people use India ink, how is it applied? Brush? Any
other tips you can provide? Thanks.<br /><hr />Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for HotmailŪ. <a href='http://www.windowslive-hotmail.com/LearnMore/personalize.aspx?ocid=TXT_MSGTX_WL_HM_express_032009#colortheme' target='_new'>See how.</a></body>