[Shop-talk] removing 3m Super Windshield and Gasket Adhesive

Brian Kemp bk13 at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 8 22:44:44 MDT 2024

John - I had some sort of black adhesive or caulk that was used to 
bandage a worn windshield rubber seal on my GT6.  I cleaned it all off 
with WD40.  I first used a trim tool like the one on the left in the 
picture at 
to remove most of it.  I then used the WD40 with blue paper towel style 
shop towels to further clean away the remainder of the gunk.

The stuff I had to remove probably wasn't as good or difficult as your 
3M adhesive, but it wouldn't hurt to try WD40.  I was very happy to get 
the gunk off the paint without damage.


On 9/8/2024 7:04 PM, john niolon wrote:
> I have some truck windows set in a power window unit with the 3m 
> windshield adhesive...I have to move the windows to a new unit and 
> need to get them out of the c channel they are glued into...
> What will desolve this adhesive...don't want to break the glass... 
> tried goo-gone...no help... gonna try acetone next..
> any suggestions...
> thanks
> john
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