[Shop-talk] BT headphones

John Innis jdinnis at gmail.com
Fri May 3 09:48:03 MDT 2024

I have been using a set of IsoTunes.  They do allow you to hear the phone
ring and answer a call.  I am using the "Pro" wired version.  They have all
the product manuals on their web site so you can read up on how this works
in each version.

On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 10:23 AM Moose <eric at megageek.com> wrote:

> Braintrust-
> I am looking for a pair of heading protection that can link to a cell
> phone.
> Here is what I am looking for.  If I am weed wacking or running a mower, I
> want something to protect what is left of my hearing, HOWEVER, will ring if
> I get a phone call.
> Note, I don't need to be able to answer or talk on the phone with them on,
> just something that will let me know if I'm getting a phone call.  Playing
> music from my phone isn't needed, but I guess it would be possible once
> connected.
> The problem is that every headphone I see is made to play music, I just
> want to make sure it will ring if I get a call.  None of the ads mention if
> they can or not.
> I don't care if they are muff types or buds (I would prefer buds if they
> work as good as muffs.)
> Active noise canceling is highly preferred.
> So, does anyone have any suggestions?  Any thing you are happy with?
> Note, I'll pay whatever price for a good set.
> Thanks.
> Moose
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= Never offend people with style when you   =
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