[Shop-talk] Battery Testers

dhlocker dhlocker at protonmail.com
Fri Dec 6 16:52:05 MST 2024

And to prevent Amazon and various evil others from tracking your activity, it is usually best to delete everything from the '?' onward.

The following link gives you the product without letting everyone on the web know who turned you onto it:


FWIW, I trimmed the "/ref" part, too. It pays to limit the link to as little as you can and still access the product info.

FWIW #2 - If at all possible, I NEVER buy from Amazon. They treat their vendors like s#1t.


On 12/6/24 10:56, Bob Spidell wrote:

> The pic is what's commonly called a 'load tester.' They have, for the most part, been superseded by solid state 'battery condition testers,' which provide much more information (for instance, internal resistance and state of charge). I have a load tester on the shelf gathering dust, while my condition tester is now my go-to. It doesn't hurt to have both; if the load tester you have still functions I'd keep it and get a condition tester.
> There are dozens on Amazon--all made in you-know-where--here is one from a well-known brand (NFI):
> https://www.amazon.com/ANCEL-BA101-Professional-Automotive-Motorcycle/dp/B01M0ARG3X/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=2GZVPAZBVO653&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e2rCyRUQ3ZhLiQyqcZesfbuOqOEQh6W7urr_v0l_we3VAERBxWdLZ1Tufl_-Cw3uUZN2tXeE01xI8jHtlqHIomwWPtTno4pm9IlkkC2fE-w4_5JK_qFvH1esJ_9u0INF6G1Aa82WIbfYHVZxr81vHZcFUSvWk9FNMZ8ORgG7zPDtpxMz_KkX0oxLZZ0VfhXK2PjlGSBkLg2S0rTfdgVcDUK0yQeAQ82sOPVGUiR2dpaIqRh3NbhsOWJP5-lstjvQ6UBQZj45DKMvQItK8cp0zPSV2a9j_Ajn0pVAHRKBKZ0.4l7pp__YxHyaU4Zt9IxXmRnsX8D3GN8GpdZs1-09TyM&dib_tag=se&keywords=battery+condition+tester&qid=1733500109&sprefix=battery+condition+tester%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
> ps. There's a reason you only connect a load tester for a few seconds: the cables will start to melt.
> Bob

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