[Shop-talk] Cutting canvas rolls?

Jim Franklin jamesf at groupwbench.org
Mon Jun 19 19:05:51 MDT 2023

I have been on lists (like this) where we're civil and low volume, so reply-to list was fine. And I have been on lists where otherwise mature adults just could not stop themselves from publicly insulting those with whom they disagreed, so we had to make them work for it by setting the reply-to to be the sender.

Relatedly, the same maker space that has the canvas rolls also has a few 3D printers, and I've printed quite a few things, both from scratch using Tinkercad, and from existing internet files from Thingaverse. It's been a neat thing to learn and not even remotely as intimidating as I expected. I have not figured out how to 3D print a canvas roll cutter though :-)



> On Jun 19, 2023, at 8:28 PM, Tom Coradeschi <tjcora at icloud.com> wrote:
> Actually, it is an admin configurable setting in mailman. The conventional wisdom (not universally accepted) is to turn it off. 
> Tom Coradeschi
> tjcora at icloud.com

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