[Shop-talk] suv tires and oil question

Gene Garrison gene at garrison-grafixx.com
Fri Jan 13 19:51:06 MST 2023

Thanks, ODB.  And I apologize for not replying sooner.

Your points sound reasonable.  And I also change oil more frequently 
than recommended in the vehicles that I use regularly. But the last few 
years, the TR6 is  getting driven less than 1000 miles a year, hence my 
question.  Though generally I try to drive it for at least a half hour 
whenever I fire it up.

Based on the feedback from the list, I think I'm going to be the wild 
man and go with a two year interval.  :)

- GeneG

On 8/29/22 20:02, old dirtbeard wrote:
> I change oil at 5K miles or at 12 months and use synthetic oil. 
> Probably overkill for many of my engines, however.
> Regarding oil setting in an unused engine, I believe that synthetic 
> oil setting in an unused engine probably would not noticeably 
> deteriorate for periods longer than 12 months.
> I know many folks who put synthetic oil in air-cooled motorcycles and 
> only ride a few hundred miles a year. When draining that oil, it looks 
> pretty much the same as it did when it was poured into the engine. I 
> believe that it probably could be used for longer than 12 months in 
> that specific scenario.
> I think the 12 month change interval for low mileage engines is mostly 
> important for engines that routinely see short trips, do not reach 
> operating temperatures,and may have condensation build-up in the sump. 
> It probably also is more important for non-sealed crankcases in humid 
> environments where moisture from humidity could condense.
> Moisture also is of course a byproduct of combustion, and if the 
> engine does not reach and run at normal operating temperatures for 
> sustained periods of time, moisture is likely to remain in the 
> crankcase and contaminate the oil.
> I do not believe, however, that simply having oil in the sealed sump 
> of an unused engine would need to be changed every 12 months from 
> being in contact with the metal or other materials inside the engine.
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 6:56 PM Tom Coradeschi <tjcora at icloud.com> wrote:
>     The contaminants will cause the oil to degrade, hence the need to
>     change it on either time or mileage, per the OEM spec (whichever
>     comes first).
>     Tom Coradeschi
>     Tjcora at icloud.com
>>     On Aug 29, 2022, at 1:44 PM, Gene Garrison
>>     <gene at garrison-grafixx.com> wrote:
>>     I'm glad you brought that up.  I've always wondered about
>>     changing oil.
>>     So oil sitting in bottles on the shelf doesn't "go bad".  Right?
>>     Then why does oil sitting in a rarely used engine need to be
>>     changed?  I know it now has contaminants and such in it, but
>>     those aren't going to cause it to degrade, are they?
>>     - GeneG
>>     On 8/29/22 03:59, Jeff Scarbrough wrote:
>>>     I just replaced a set of trailer tires that had less than 2500
>>>     miles on them because they were ten years old and definitely
>>>     showing it.
>>>     I consider tires to be like oil - they should be changed at a
>>>     mileage or time interval, whichever comes first.  It's just
>>>     something you have to budget for.
>>>     On Mon, Aug 29, 2022, 02:04 Bob Spidell <bspidell at comcast.net>
>>>     wrote:
>>>         re: "How many years can a set of tires go ..."
>>>         Subject to debate, and how the tires are maintained.
>>>         Some--often people who make and sell tires--insist six years
>>>         is the limit, regardless of mileage, and if the tires are
>>>         constantly exposed to extreme weather and mileage that's not
>>>         unreasonable. OTOH, if the tires are kept in a garage not
>>>         subject to temperature extremes and are only used 'around
>>>         town' you can usually go more, 7 or 8 years wouldn't be too
>>>         risky. At any rate, going beyond 10 years is pushing your luck.
>>>         BUT ... for an SUV I'd be more cautious and probably observe
>>>         the 6-year 'rule.' SUVs and other trucks are top heavy and a
>>>         catastrophic failure--i.e. a blowout--esp. on a front tire
>>>         can cause the vehicle to roll over. Ford just got slapped
>>>         with a $1B+ liability charge for an old truck that had a
>>>         blowout, rolled, and the cab squashed the elderly occupants.
>>>         A couple decades ago Ford got slammed when some incorrect,
>>>         improperly inflated Firestone tires--Ford and Firestone go
>>>         WAY back--caused some fatal rollover accidents with some
>>>         Explorers.
>>>         My rule of thumb: If I find myself worrying about my tires,
>>>         it's time for new. Your tires are only three years (+/-) old
>>>         and, unless they're showing 'checking'--cracking--or other
>>>         damage they should be good for at least a couple more years.
>>>         Check your tire pressures regularly (at least once a month).
>>>         On 8/28/2022 9:19 PM, Shannah Miller wrote:
>>>>         Thank you, Ian, for commenting to the group.  I will
>>>>         need tires at some point, and that's good to know.
>>>>         That said, my car is the spare car of the family, and
>>>>         has had the same tires since 2019.  How many years
>>>>         can a set of tires go if they are just mostly used to
>>>>         putt around town?  (My car has not quite 10,000 miles
>>>>         on it.)
>>>>         Thanks,
>>>>         Shannah
>>>>         On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 7:20 PM Ian McFetridge
>>>>         <shop-talk2 at mcfetridge.org> wrote:
>>>>             I have had the Michelin Defender LTX on my pickup since
>>>>             fall 2020 and they are wearing well, ride smooth and
>>>>             quiet.  I’ve used Michelins on trucks since I worked in
>>>>             the tire dept at Sam’s in college.  They always took
>>>>             the least amount of weights to balance and had the
>>>>             least returns for issues or to rebalance.  The manager
>>>>             at Costco said that is all still true when I bought the
>>>>             last set.  YMMV :)
>>>>             Best
>>>>             Ian
>>>>             On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 8:03 PM john niolon
>>>>             <jniolon at att.net> wrote:
>>>>                 shop content... I drive my suburban into my shop
>>>>                 time for tires... always used Michelin for the last
>>>>                 20 years with good service... Vehicle is 2008
>>>>                 Suburban 1500 with 95% highway or town ...no off road
>>>>                 occasional towing my hobby truck to shows on 20'
>>>>                 car hauler (once or twice a year with load
>>>>                 equalizing hitch...)  Looking at reviews on my
>>>>                 first choice Michelin Defender LTX/MS
>>>>                 275/55-20. The reviews talk a lot about road noise
>>>>                 and rough ride..... My current Michelin Defenders
>>>>                 (bought in Jan 2016 ride smooth and wear well.. 76K
>>>>                 miles on them so far)
>>>>                 I just turned 75 and this might be my last set of
>>>>                 tires Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes … so I'm
>>>>                 looking for your thoughts on Michelin or others afa
>>>>                 mileage, ride, noise etc.
>>>>                 thanks
>>>>                 john
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