[Shop-talk] Leaf springs replaced - what to do with them?

PJ McGarvey pj_mcgarvey at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 13 08:58:38 MST 2023

The "junkyard" on the side of my garage got a bit overwhelming so I dropped off an 8' bed of junk recently for $120.  A V8 crankshaft, a car door, years of old nuts/bolts, control arms, mufflers, etc. It makes sense to wait until you have too much 😉.

In hindsight, it also makes sense to weigh the cost (pun intended) of a possible flat tire in the scrap yard, injury from the guy next to you blindly throwing junk into the pile, a rusty cut on your hand, and the lung damage from the terrible air quality.

Then the machine that cashed me out gave me 3 crispy $2 bills.  Are they work anything?  lol.

From: Shop-talk <shop-talk-bounces at autox.team.net> on behalf of Jeff Scarbrough <fishplate at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 10:40 AM
To: shop-talk at autox.team.net <Shop-talk at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Leaf springs replaced - what to do with them?

On Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 8:46 AM old dirtbeard <dirtbeard at gmail.com> wrote:
> I had not thought about a scrap yard.
> I just checked and scrap steel looks like it is about $0.04/pound. I did not weigh them yet, but it could be two or three dollars, as you say, beer money.

I took a bunch of scrap metal to the yard a few months ago.  50 or 60
pounds traded for $7.00, in the form of a check.  Wait to get spotted,
wait to unload, wait for the ID check, wait for the receipt, walk
around to the cashier's window to get the check, use the bank app to
deposit it online... I don't think I'd go through all that again for
one beer.  If my time is worth money, then I came out in the red.

Meanwhile, there was a guy there who either has a bar or is a
prodigious drinker.  He had a pickup truck full of bags of aluminum
beer cans.  That was enough to pay for the time and the gas.

>  But then at least I could say I turned gas into beer...  :-)

I turn beer into gas.  So there's that...

-- Jeff

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