[Shop-talk] ohms law stuff

john niolon jniolon at att.net
Sat Sep 26 16:17:58 MDT 2020

See Pat, THAT'S why I come here...  expert advise..  #10 just as easy to run as #12... heck, I might have enough #8 to do it too.   assuming the line to ground
should be equal gauge, right ??

----- Original Message -----
From: Pat Horne <patintexas at icloud.com>
To: john niolon <jniolon at att.net>
Cc: shop-talk <shop-talk at autox.team.net>
Sent: 9/26/2020 5:14:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] ohms law stuff

Actually, that fuse is for the output. It shows a 40A fuse for the input. 

If you plan on using the inverter for a short interval you can go with #10 wire but the wire will get hot, wasting power. 

#8 would be better. 

Pat Horne 
We support Habitat for Humanity

On Sep 26, 2020, at 5:01 PM, john niolon <jniolon at att.net> wrote:

Pat, the fuse on the input size is 15 amp  so #12 is still acceptable
Jim, here's the specs

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