[Shop-talk] alternate use for PEX fittings

John Miller jem at milleredp.com
Tue Sep 10 09:12:26 MDT 2019

> which is gonna work with one exception... I'm having to reduce from 5/8" 
> tube to 1/2" and add an adapter. 

Any way you could braze/solder/TIG as appropriate the reducer to the 
5/8in outlet to cut down on the number of hoses/tubes/clamped joints?

> I’m looking at the Oeitker clamps since they seem more robust than the 
> standard single crimp Home Depot variety

I use Oetiker clamps all over the place on everything that doesn't need 
to be readily separable.  I use them on air hoses, hell I use them on 
backyard garden hoses.  On 40+PSI EFI systems I generally use two per 
connection just for the hell of it.

Use where possible the smooth-band type with the tongue inside that 
fully surrounds the tube.   The one downside of Oetikers is that if you 
use them regularly you have a whole drawer of little bins full of 
different sizes because the clamping range for each size is not very broad.

Oh, and get some real clamping pliers...


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