[Shop-talk] High end Flare nut wrench sets- and the power of induction!

John Miller jem at milleredp.com
Thu May 2 09:50:27 MDT 2019

> Snap-On and SK are the only readily available flare nut wrenches worth
> owning.  I suspect the expensive high end german wrenches are nice,
> too, but I have no experience with their flare wrenches.  Everything
> else is garbage.  I have broken a snap-on flare wrench on a seriously
> stuck brake line fitting -- but, and this is important, the only other
> thing damaged were my knuckles.  The fitting was not damaged, and we
> were able to take it apart after getting heat into it.

I have to admit, this is about on target.

I got sick of rounding off tube nuts (and having to resort to the 
Ultimate Flare-Nut Wrench - the Vise-Grip) and went out and got a bunch 
of Snap-Ons.

Happy, happy, joy, joy as they used to say.

Mine came off eBay.  A good place to get stuff if you know what you're 
looking for, Mac, the poverty-spec Snap-Ons (Blue Point) and '60s-70s 
Craftsman are often a reasonable deal.


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