[Shop-talk] laptop power source - issue close out

Matt mbarre at juno.com
Fri Jun 2 08:26:22 MDT 2017

 Thanks for all the feedback.  Good points and I have a better appreciation for electronics power. Here is the unit I was concerned about:https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_4?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=vivkey+charger&sprefix=vivk%2Caps%2C152&crid=3SHU810B9O241&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Avivkey+charger I plugged it in to the wife's laptop and it didn't immediately signal that the power source was not compatible or optimized - both messages I have received when using various cords with various devices over the past few years.For only $23 it is probably worth it just for the various tips if you want to go the route of a real benchtop variable power supply. The documentation says 90 Watts so it definitely won't support a 10A drain. My wife had left her charger while on a trip and I was just looking at something to keep her working while we waited for her charger to get home via the mail.At a minimum, this charger seems to be a good option to at least charge the battery.  Although given the growing incidence of Li ion battery thermal runaway, perhaps a little extra care is in order. I have convinced my household to charge all PEDs in the kitchen on a granite countertop, with a tile floor and close proximity to a smoke detector. Thanks again group! This concept of an informal trusted personal network is a good one.  I am using a similar concept for work.We have established a regional roundtable that meets in person 3-4 times a year.  Now that we have established a level of familiarity and trust within the group, I find that we are communicating electronically more frequently with good results - Sharing info and bouncing concepts off each other.
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