[Shop-talk] Rats!

Todd Walke racertod at racertodd.com
Mon Oct 19 20:12:14 MDT 2015

Mark wrote:
>So I am renting a plot at a community garden around the corner. Turns out 
>we have a bit of a rat problem.
>Saw one last evening while weeding my plot. Any innovative suggestions for 
>curbing the rat population?
>I'd like to get a big python to slither around, but that may not be an option.


         I have the Protecta Bait stations with Contrac Blox bait.  The 
stations keep the bait away from kids and pets.  The bait kills 'em deader 
than a doornail.  One feeding does it, turns my property into a dead zone - 
rats show up, never to come back.  And I don't have to deal with seeing 
dead rats or disposing of them - they die out of my sight.

         Contrac Blox is only available on the site in 18lb 
buckets.  Federal law restricts sale of the 4lb pails, but there are 
sellers on eBay that'll sell them anyway.  4lbs lasts me for more than a 
year, with 6 stations around my house.  There are other baits available 
that can be sold in 4lb pails.

         If you don't like poisoning the bastards, the stations will take a 
certain brand of reusable snap traps.  I like the bait because a trap only 
gets one rat, the bait keeps working 24/7 killing everyone that shows up.

Todd the rat killer

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