[Shop-talk] Gluing an awkward shape

John Miller jem at milleredp.com
Wed Nov 25 18:23:57 MST 2015

On 11/25/2015 2:57 PM, Jim Stone wrote:
> Thanks guys.  Lots of good suggestions.  I am heading to my cousinbs house
> tomorrow and bring an assortment of glues, pins, tape and rubber bands, so I
> will see the giraffe then and make the final call on which of the methods will
> work best.  I feel more confident of success than I did just a few hours ago!

Another option depending on how much time, money, and force is involved 
and whether you need alignment or just clamping, is to squirt some 
spray-foam insulation or whatever into a plastic bag and squish it down 
on one side, if necessary the same on the other, before clamping them 
with a bar clamp or whatever as the foam firms.

Just don't let the gooey foam get on the workpieces.


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