[Shop-talk] The air compressor to have now

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 19:28:17 MST 2014

On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 4:33 PM, Scott <scott.hall.personal at gmail.com> wrote:
> I probably should have been more specific:
> I'm looking for a two-stage, 220v, at least 60-gallon-tank (and really
> that's 80 gallons unless there's something about the 60 that's ideal,
> and bigger-than-80 would be nice).

There's no reason not to get an 80 gallon tank except for money or
space restrictions,
in a shop where you're going to have intermittent high demand.  If
you're in an industrial
setting, with a defined constant load, smaller tanks make sense.

Champion and Quincy are the two companies that seem to be still making
top quality stuff in the US.  IRs quality has apparently taken a dip.
A shop I used to run had a 7.5 HP champion, and two 5 HP quincy pumps
(built or rebuilt by a local shop on different tanks, one of those may
have been something else, and just looked like the quincy.).  One of
the 5HP was lead pump, the 7.5 cut in if pressure dropped below
something (120?) and the other 5HP came in as lag if the pressure fell
further (and then took over as lead).  We had problems with the
control electronics and the automatic drains, but not with the pumps.
(the big air consumer there was the car wash, which had an incredible

If you want one that will last for ever, get a pressure lubricated
pump, and run it at the lowest speed and pressure possible.

David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com

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