[Shop-talk] Computer stuff

Battmain battmain at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 2 13:38:07 MST 2014

Geez, you guys are going to make me talk about my HeathKit luggable.  :)
still works, although it takes a good 15 minutes to boot off the 5.25" floppy.
 MS-Dos 3.2 I think.  256K RAM.

I do recall messing with CPM too.  :)  I
still have a 56k modem sitting on the desk, but it hasn't been used since I
to DSL (about 19yrs).  

Then I just got rid of DSL in favor of cable
speed. Guys at work are teasing me about changing
out my dial up. Only reason
I did it was because the video buffering got to be too much. 

> From: Dave C <cavanadd at frontier.com>
'shop-talk List' <Shop-talk at autox.team.net> 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014
10:04 PM
>Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Computer stuff
>On 1/1/2014 5:57 PM,
Randall wrote:
>>> I keep thinking I should spend a day or so digging out ALL
>>> the computer  stuff I have
>>> stashed away in various places around the
house, put it all
>>> in one big  pile and post
>>> a few pictures.
>I still
have my first computer, a1981  Seequa Chameleon "transportable" 
computer that had both an 8081 and a Z80 chip and would run 
>both DOS and
CPM.  It came with two 160 K (I think) full height floppy 
>drives and 128 K
of RAM.  I eventually upgraded it to half height, 
>double sided drives and
256 K of ram. The motherboard wouldn't support a 
>HDD.  At one point it had a
300 baud Volksmodem hung off the side, but 
>it was pretty useless for much
pre-WWW stuff.

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